=> GuardHei

Illusory Walls Ahead

F+ or Deferred? Which one should I choose?

Here we go again!

Waste Of Water

It is often heard by people like me living in a wet city of water scarcity. However, fewer people really gets a figure of what is really happening just around us - the human-beings are now touching on the bottom of the earth’s well.

It is hard to realize that China is actually an extremely drought country running on a low average suppy of water per head which is a quarter of the world’s average. One of the largest in-land lake - Boyang Lake - has now turned into grassland. Not only the in-land cities are lack of water, but also the costal cites. Take Shanghai as an example, when my father was young, the water supply often cut off during the day. Many mornings my father had to eat all the bubbles made by the toothpaste and went to school because the water stopped from going out of the tube when he was brushing the teeth.

The water waste comes from everywhere. Not mentioning the industrial use, I have to admit that some contributions are done by me to the problems. I sometimes like to meditate during a shower, feeling relax as water sliding through my body. At the same time, it is how water is wasted in out daily. It can be inferred that if I cound take a shorter shower everyday, siginificant amount of water can be saved.

Another common but always ignored cause is the half-filled water bottles. Image in a hot summer day, sweats craw all over your body. You go back to your seat exhaustedly, wanting to reach of the water bottle. All of a sudden, you stop and hesitate - there are two half-filled water bottles in front of you, which one is yours? After seconds, you immediately go to the snack bar and buy another brand new one.

From the case, thousands of half-filled water bottles are thrown into trash bin each week. Considering 2-3 bottles can filled up a whole bottle, it means that hundreds of bottles of clean water is wasted directly by human. So huge!

The governments are now promoting to put a name label on the water bottle. However, there are many, many more aspects we should concern. There is no time left!

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